Return to Centre

October 6th

52 Woodview Way, Barragup

Exploring Creative Ways to Encounter Spirit

Mandala’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘’. Within many traditions, the mandala is a sacred symbol of the spiritual journey. Mandalas can be found all around us in nature and in architecture and art. The creation of mandalas can be used to help bring wholeness and healing to a person’s life. I invite you in this quiet day to create a mandala of your own. You may not walk away with a piece to put in a gallery, but hopefully you will have enjoyed some time going deeper within yourself. (Cathie Lambert)

Presenter: Cathie Lambert.

Cathie is a Spiritual Director and is in charge of programs at Dayspring in Joondana, Perth. She has directed many spiritual retreats and is open to all spiritual traditions.

Time: 10am – 3.30pm. Suggested donation $40 incl morning tea and light lunch.

Register: Jo 0405 370 554 (Barragup) Letitia 0422 969 704 (Perth) PLEASE BOOK EARLY TO ENSURE A PLACE

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Return to Centre

October Return to Centre

October 6th 52 Woodview Way, Barragup Exploring Creative Ways to Encounter Spirit ‘Mandala’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘’. Within many traditions, the mandala is …


Getting Here

52 Woodview Way, Barragup WA 6209
Barbara: 0438 525 527
Jo: 0405 370 554

88km Perth Airport

60 minute drive south from Perth

Getting Here

4 Monmouth St, Mt. Lawley 6050
P.O. Box 573 Mt Lawley 6929

Phone: 08 9328 6272
Letitia: 0422 969 704