
Return to Centre

First Sunday of every month:

3rd March Return to Centre – Clare of Assisi and the Mirror of Love – BARBARA
5th May Return to Centre – The Woman at the Well DR PINA FORD
4th August Return to Centre The Transformative Power of our Inner Fire – KATHY FENNER
6th October Return to Centre Mandalas and the Creative Spirit – CATHIE LAMBERT
3rd November Return to Centre (TBA) – JANET PATERSON
1st December Return to Centre (Advent) – LETITIA

The Nuhra Community dedicates the first Sunday of each month to the spiritual life. These are quiet days – some with a greater emphasis on in­put and some that are predominantly practice focused.

Please phone if you need to be picked up from the train station at 9.30am.
Starts: 10am and finishes 3.30pm.
Donation only
Details ring: Letitia 0422 969 704 or Jo 0405 370 554


Other Important Dates:

19th May, 2024 – PENTECOST – Monmouth Street

15th December, 2024 – CHRISTMAS SERVICE – Monmouth Street

28th –31st  March – Easter Retreat

We take time to experience the timeless and transformative journey of death and rebirth through the cosmic Christian story of suffering, death and resurrection.

This is both a personal and a planetary journey today. We face challenges to our own lives and the future life of our planet that are more profound and more critical than ever before.

Come and live the pattern of this time through ritual, reflection and celebration.

You can attend the whole retreat or come for Good Friday only.

For more details ring: Letitia 0422 969 704 or Jo 0405 370 554

Please phone if you need to be picked up from the train station.

6th –8th September – Spring Retreat

The Joy of Being

For more details ring: Letitia 0422 969 704 or Jo 0405 370 554

Jo’s Barragup Bookgroup

Wild Creature Mind by Steve Biddulph.

Starts: Thursdays
Time: 1.00pm – 3.30pm

This thriving group has been running for over 20 years and welcomes new participants. A great opportunity to meet new faces and gently explore who you are at a meaningful level.

If you are interested in joining us or just want to inquire: Jo 0405 370 554

Meditation and Book Group in Perth

Our Tuesday morning Group has been meeting for almost 30 years. Join us for one or both activities.

Starts: Tuesday 6th February 9. 30am – Noon
Meditation: 9.30 -10. 30am
Book Group: 11am- Noon

If you are interested in beginning our Meditation morning please call Marie prior to discuss.

Falling Upwards by Richard Rhor (2023 publication with an introduction by Brene Brown)

We ask that if people would like to join us they commit to attend each week until the book is finished.

If interested please ring Marie 9328 6272

Getting Here

52 Woodview Way, Barragup WA 6209
Barbara: 0438 525 527
Jo: 0405 370 554

88km Perth Airport

60 minute drive south from Perth

Getting Here

4 Monmouth St, Mt. Lawley 6050
P.O. Box 573 Mt Lawley 6929

Phone: 08 9328 6272
Letitia: 0422 969 704