“Pathways to Growing”

“It is easier, far easier, to obey another than to command oneself.” Irvin D Yalom

In the process of growing up from childhood to adulthood we encounter life challenges and developmental tasks that have to be negotiated.  These challenges extend us, and when they are within our capacity to cope they help us to develop resilience, confidence and a sense of self.  However, if the challenges are too severe we can develop ways of coping and protecting ourselves that may not be growth producing or helpful in our relationships.

Self Awareness can help to reveal these patterns that are holding us back, and blocking the natural flow of energy in the body.  With time and commitment we can make changes. However,  it is important to realise that if the difficulties are long standing and of a serious nature it is wise to seek out professional help.

Over many years of facilitating self awareness groups, breath and bodywork groups and seeing people in individual therapy, we at Nuhra have witnessed the new life energy that the work of self awareness can bring.  Nevertheless it is important to realise that insight into our difficulties is not enough – it takes dedicated effort to change well established neural connections, and to develop sufficient trust to open our hearts. Patience, courage and practice are the keys, breakthroughs are the gift.

Courses Offered

Body and Breath Weekend Workshop

Mindfulness and Heartfulness (6 – 8 week course)

Day of Celebration and Dance

The courses will be listed under “Events” as they occur.

“In the end
these things matter most:
How well did you love?
How fully did you live?
How deeply did you let go?”
(Jack Kornfield)

Getting Here

52 Woodview Way, Barragup WA 6209
Barbara: 0438 525 527
Jo: 0405 370 554

88km Perth Airport

60 minute drive south from Perth

Getting Here

4 Monmouth St, Mt. Lawley 6050
P.O. Box 573 Mt Lawley 6929

Phone: 08 9328 6272
Letitia: 0422 969 704